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Wealth Journey - The Hero's Quest Live Online course by Kiki Theo




Tuesdays 5.00pm-7.00pm SAST (GMT+2)

ZAR 5,500 by EFT US $299 via Paypal

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Kiki's unique, holistic approach to wealth expansion, bridging money and metaphysics and working in ordinary & non ordinary reality to create extraordinary results!
         Wealth Journey - The Hero's quest

Are you the hero in your life?  Which myth are you living? What is your life quest? How aligned is it with your wealth quest?
Do you approach your life journey as a hero's quest, with challenges to conquer and magical gifts to discover? Are you in search of your holy grail or the hand of the beautiful maiden? Are you waiting for your prince to wake you from your slumber? What is at the end of your rainbow?
Working deeply yet sensitively with image-work & symbol, archetype & ceremony,
and Kiki's unique transformational Money Energetics®, you will:
* Explore the myth of your life, and the tale you are living at this moment.
* Reveal and reframe your challenges, allies and foes with the focus on wealth.
* Create your mask of power to align you with your wealth and soul journey.
* Connect with the hero within and release inspiration and purpose.
* Get practical tools to continue your wealth expansion and hero's quest.


All Kiki Theo courses are uniquely curated for the participants of that course, and will include the following:

​* A mix of key concepts, creative processing and guided energetic transformations.

* Preparation questionnaire before the course to align your purpose and intent. 

* Light homework between sessions – to put what you learnt to good use.

* Reflection questionnaire to help you remember what you learnt at the end.

* Q&A – you can submit questions which I will try to cover as we go along or at the end.

Please note: Confidentiality always assured  - participant comments and cameras will be off.

  ABOUT KIKI THEO 'S Energetic Wealth Expansion  BACKGROUND

There are numerous aspects which underpin Kiki's work. On the one hand she has huge hands on business and wealth creation experience, having spent all of her adult life in that arena. Her ability to help others transform however, spans her life since a young age. 

Blending her experience and training across a vast number of healing modalities, paths, psychological studies and practices, Kiki has created a body of energetic work focused on wealth expansion as a vehicle for personal transformation. 

The energetic work, is a holding of a transformational space, a healing and  an alchemical process. Her ability to facilitate a group while simultaneously speaking to each individual, enables everyone on a course to feel supported and to undergo profound transformation. ​


* Let go limitations and align with your unlimited wealth potential
* Transform old money patterns and emotions and open to the extraordinary
* Learn how to use energetic and practical tools to create tangible results! 
* Retrieve your money power and heal old wealth wounds
* Get clarity, inspiration and focus for self & wealth!

                                           SPREAD YOUR WINGS AND FLY!

Light, powerful work to leave you smiling, filled with purpose and inspiration. 


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